The P.S.A.T will be given at JJHS on Saturday, October 15th.  Students should report by 7:30am and be picked up at 11:15am.  Registration begins on Friday, September 23.  Deadline for registration is Friday, October 7th.  See the flyer hanging in the library or  your guidance counselor for more details.
The July 10 update (v1.3.1) for AccessMyLibrary wouldn't open on my phone.  If your looking to update, reinstall the whole thing.  You'll have to find our school and reenter our password.  Hope you kept your password sheet!
Drum roll please!  The top 10 most checked out book for 2010-2011 are...
  1. Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya
  2. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
  3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
  4. Keili by Yukako Kabei
  5. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
  6. The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks
  7. A Child Called "It" by  David J. Pelzer
  8. Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto
  9. Beautiful Boy by David Sheff 
  10. Rosario + Vampire by Akihisa Ikeda.

The above titles are those checked out for pleasure reading.  We are assuming no one is checking out the Encyclopedia of Careers and Educational Guidance or the Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War I for fun. 
 Now is the best time to suggest library stuff for next year.  Is there a new hot series out we don't have?  Suggest it!  The stuff we have is old?  Suggest new stuff!  Teaching a new class next year and we don't have enough stuff?  Suggest stuff!

Want to know if we got your stuff?  Check out the New Items list in Fall, search the catalog, or simply ask.   
Take a look at the May 27th issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine in the library now.   Katniss, played by Jennifer Lawrence, is on the cover!  Lawrence talks about taking the role and her feelings about playing Katniss.  Head shots of the full cast are also included. has created Hunger Games Central on its web site.  The movie is set to be released in 2012 so there's still plenty of time to read the whole trilogy.
Fordham University is offering a speed reading program in Poughkeepsie this summer.    There are three sessions; one for 6-8th graders, 9-11th graders, and one for grade 12 and beyond.  Details are on a flyer just inside the library entrance.
The library's catalog has a new look and a lot of new, great features to help you find the best resources faster.  Check it out!
SYNC is giving away free audiobooks all summer long.  Go to for more details.
For students, all library materials are due by June 1st.  As always, if you have a paper or project for which you need your library stuff, simply let us know at check out.
2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.  150 years later, what does "A More Perfect Union" mean to you and your family?  What is the nature of the "union" that the Founders formed and Lincoln sought to save? In what ways is America a One as well as a Many? With the ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the Union victory in the Civil War, is the American union complete and perfect? What role have subsequent generations played, and what might we in this century envision, to continue to perfect our union?

Learn more about our "union" and the Civil War with these new library resources.  American Creation: Triumphs and Tragedies at the Founding of the Republic”by Joseph Ellis; “Carver: A Life in Poems” by Marilyn Nelson; “Killer Angels”by Michael Shaara; “Lincoln in His Own Words” by Milton Melzer; “Twelve Angry Men”by Reginald Rose; and “The Souls of Black Folk” by W. E. B. DuBois.

The library was one of 4,000 libraries across the country selected to receive a We the People Bookshelf grant, which provided free hardcover editions of 17 classic books on the theme of “A More Perfect Union.” The library also received bonus materials, including a DVD edition of “The Civil War,”the award-winning documentary by Ken Burns. The grant was awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) in cooperation with the American Library Association.