Everything you can do in NoodleTools on your computer, you can now do on your iPad too!  Open a Safari Web browser window on your iPad and navigate to noodletools.com or from the library page of the school site.  NoodleTools will automatically detect you’re using an iPad and display the iPad-accessible version. Log into your account and NoodleTools away!  
This summer NoodleTools will be making changes this summer and you're going to love them.  Watch the full preview at http://youtu.be/JLieHxt8VoI.  Some of the enhancements include...
  • copy and paste citations already formatted for you.  
  • save articles in NoodleTools
  • get citation info on books by putting in the ISBN number or title.
Not sure about a book or looking for a good one?  Read reviews by JJHS students!  Click anywhere on the library site where you see "Catalog" and scroll down to the bottom of the page.  There you'll see the latest 5-6 books to have been reviewed.  Click on anywhere you see "Reader Review" to see all the reviews written... so far.  Write your own review when you've finished a book!  Instructions are on the Book Reviews page of the library site.
The July 10 update (v1.3.1) for AccessMyLibrary wouldn't open on my phone.  If your looking to update, reinstall the whole thing.  You'll have to find our school and reenter our password.  Hope you kept your password sheet!
The library's catalog has a new look and a lot of new, great features to help you find the best resources faster.  Check it out!